Well, Learning things everyday about the world of Blogging and web Networking. The interesting thing is that you would think create a Web site and they will come!
Not True! getting folks like yourself to read our web sites and learn from them is a very time consuming business. I am not complaining because I learn everyday it is just that from a time perspective it takes a lot of your time.
I found this site called WidgetBox.com it allows you to search for widgets to put on your site but it also allows you to create your own that you can create and put it into the gallery for people to search for and find.
This site allows you to customize and create the perfect and unique widget. Widgets not only need to be functional but they need to be appealing. As you can see on this site some of the Widgets look really nice and some look like I should take them down and retire them to that wonderful circular file system called the Trash Can.
This blog not only talks about everything Technology but, it also hopes to make all my readers think about what the future holds. So for everyone reading this site not only think about what we currently can do with the web but about what the future holds. Think about it! It is endless!
Every major company now has a Website and if you asked then 10 years ago they would of looked at you and said What NEVER!! It is a waist of our time the internet is nothing more than a government thing.
Look at us now! Everyone is on it and every company!!
We can do it and Keep dreaming!!!!!!